The originators of a project called BE AWAR FOR YOUR FUTURE are students from Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Kaliszu Pomorskim, im. Pamięci Ofiar Terroryzmu 11 Września 2001 Roku.
They belong to the MedicalTeam group. These students aim to improve their skills, be able to work internationally using English language and also share their knowledge both in their and European environment. Our partners are schools from Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia and Italy, which have expressed their interest in educating themselves in Pre-medical and Advanced First Aid.
What is more, they would also like to create similar groups to MedicalTeam in their schools and develop social and cultural competences. There will be 120 students participating in the project, aged between 14 and 19 years. The project consists of three sections: sociocultural, linguistic and concerning Premedical First Aid. The MedicalTeam will be in charge of main tasks by supporting life saving's instructor in trainings with established rescue groups.
During short, transnational exchanges first aid trainings will be held in international groups. Actions will be supported by local organizations, which work in the field of life saving in all countries.
The element of every meeting will be an accident or disaster simulation, including participation of rescue groups. In periods between international meetings students will develop their skills and share their knowledge by presenting their abilities during trainings organised for local schools, kindergartens, social organisations and local authority.
A meaningful part of the project is running campaigns for safety (e.g. on the water, in the mountains, in homesteads). In the linguistic field students will improve their competencies by taking part in English classes providing specialist, medical vocabulary.
English language will also be required to be used during trainings. The project covers also tasks from the areas of history, culture, medicine.