24 Turkish Students and 7 Teacher taken first aid courses in AFAD Education Center
Şehit Ertan Akgül Anatolian High School We attach great importance to the training of our teachers and students working as Erasmus + Project Team.
Within the scope of ´ European Union Erasmus Plus Key Action 2 School Partnership Projects AF, we participated in the FIRST AID TRAINING in the Disaster and Emergency Education Center - AFAD between 19 - 20.12.2018.
What kind of an attidute will be exhibited in case of an incident ,disaster or accident? How accurate is wha t we do? This information was obtained.
How to behave to an individual living in an event?
In what cases is heart massage performed?
How should our environment be at the first aid?
How should the first aider behave? information about it was given.
What are the mistakes in first aid? these issues were mentioned and stressed.
How to apply Heart Massage? to the baby ,child ,adults (by age).
What should a first aid kit include? This information was mentioned .
Our students and our teachers reinforced what they learned over mannequins.
While we are helping an injured individual, our safety must be kept. This information was learned.
In second day of AFAD Education Center
How can we calm an individual who has last his/her relatives or has a bad condition as a result of an event? How can we support him/her? information about these issues was given.
How to deal with stress?
How can we support? an individual in depression or ourselves what can be done in case of trauma? information was pointed out.
What kind of first aid is applied in fracture ,dislocation,sprain,bleeding?
What to do in case of poisonig? training about it was recoived.
How should a wounded person from an accident or incident be carried without harming him? information about it was given .
Our students and teachers reinforced what they learned with pictures and videos.
At the end of training, participants were received "Certificate of Attendance".
I Get To Know Etimesgut Municipality Sacettin Gürbüz Imparied People Life Special Education and Rehabilitation Center!!!
Şehit Ertan Akgül Anatolian High School’s Erasmus Plus Project Team visited “Imparied People Life and Rehabilitation Center” on 7 February 2019.
A counsellar teacher at this center has given us information and introduced many workshops and classes such as the accomodation system for disabled families and disabled people , home vehicle system , painting , music , handicrafts , wood , cooking and weaving exc… Counsellar teacher has told us that what we can do for disabled people is not difficult and that they have rights…
At the end of this visit, Mayor of Etimesgut Municipality has told us about his works and memories…
We informed the Mayor about our Project and he supported us and has proudly confirmed it We say many thanks to our Mayor for building this kind of a Center in Ankara which is unique in the world…
Systems in our body
Out teacher Mehmet Emin Yakut gave our group of project 4 hours of biology instruction and how our body work.
We will present you with the information we have been taught in this report.
1. Course:
Support and movement system:
This topic has taught us; body structure Skeletal types-skeletal muscles and functions of joints
- Support and movement system diseases.
- We have learned about the bones.
Digestive system:
- Digestion involves;
- The nutritions,
- Digestive organs and their functions.
- İts importance in people 's lives.
- Digestive diseases
- We've learned how to vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, digest.
- We've learned how to nutrients be absorbed.
2. Course:
Respiratory system:
- We've learned;
- The health of the respiratory system.
- The importance of respiratory system for living things.
- The organs and functions of these organs.
- It's importance of our lives.
- Respiratory system diseases.
- The steps breathe and exholing.
Nervous System:
- We've learned the importance of the nervous system,its functioning,its organs.
- The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
- Nervous system diseases.
- A detailed information on the nerves and brain.
3. Course:
Circulatory system:
- What is the circulatory system?
- The importance of the circulatory system.
- Anatomy of the circulatory system.
- We've learned the duties of blood,blood diseases,blood groups and blood group detection.
- We've learned about vascular groups, their functions,their structure and their disease.
- We've have learned the structure of the heart,its functions and heart diseases (anemia,leukemia,hemophilia).
- We've have information about the pulse.
- We've learned about circulatory system diseases.
4. Course:
Excretory system:
- We've learned the importance of the excretory system for living things and how it happens.
- We've learned the types of excretory system (human,animal,plant, etc.).
- We've learned the structure and functions of the excretory system organs.
- We've learned about urinary tract infections.
- We've got information about the contominatinca substances in the body.
Yasemin Bengisu GÖK 9/G 164
Azra YILDIRIM 10/J 43292
Erasmus + Project Team visited AFAD Earthquake Simulation Center
Erasmus + project team students attended the Earthquake Simulation Center of the Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) on April 11, 2019.
First of all, general information about the center was given, then a rescue platform and related materials in it were introduced to the project team. In the training center, the students were given two practical information about the earthquake, and the measures to be taken before and after the earthquake by the officials Mr. Halil . Informations about the types of movements during an earthquake and the measurements to be taken to escape from the earthquake with minimum damage was given. Later, the students applied what they learned by experiencing the earthquake in small groups on an artificial earthquake platform.
The Second Mobility Of Our Project ‘Be Aware Of Your Future’
The teachers ( Fatih AKKAYA, Fatma BASKAYA, Esra PANGAL, Mehmet Emin YAKUT) and the students (Aleyna , Batuhan. Melis, Ece, Gizemnur) of Eryaman Sehit Ertan Akgül Anatolian High School went to Termini Imerese/ Italy for Erasmus+ ‘Be Aware For Your Future’ project on March 11-17 2019.
Project participants are Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey and Italy. During the second mouvement, we learnt first aid. For example how to do heart massage, bandage to broken arm and leg, immediate medical response to open wound and burns. We went to fire station and we learnt equipments of the fire station s truck. By the way, we went to Cefalu, Catania, Palermo and the most important places of Termini Imerese. We had a lot of fun.